Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Visit Glen Buschmann's Blog! class of 72

Glen said, "I have lived in Olympia since 1985, graduated from Evergreen and worked many years as a landscaper Now (I'm not always sure why) I work at Capital High School in OlyWA, (in Special Ed classrooms). My spouse Janet and I have a nature blog on blogspot, which gets better attention in the winter than the summer.Habitat Consultations See blog" at http://www.olypollinators.blogspot.com/
If you live in the greater Olympia area and need some garden ideas, Glen can come to your home. In a 90 minute consultation he can help you evaluate your landscape for its habitat strengths and needs. If you live outside his region his ability to help is different, but he can still provide you with a questionnaire and offer some design ideas.E-mail Glen or Janet at: olypollinators@aol.com Phone them at: 360-352-9009 There mailing address is:Bees, Birds, and Butterflies Box 11464Olympia, WA 98508

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