Skip sent me this e-mail a few days ago,"Eileen has her book about her Dad's life during WWII listed on Lulu, which is
where I bought it. You can get a synopsis on
by simply searching for Eileen Scott. By the way, Eileen and David Scott have
been married since high school, I do not know how many other class mates
actually got married, but it would make for an interesting human interest piece.
It was good seeing you at the concert. Take care. Skip"
Sammy An Incidental Life of Fortunate Circumstances
By Eileen Windsor Scott
Sam's hilarious stories of growing up in WWII Kansas are now in written form so you, too, can take part in this amusing and thought-provoking American boy's life. Born during the Depression, Sammy comes of-age in post WWII America. Free to explore and test his limits, we follow the youngster from his earliest impressions to dating fiascos and his first car at fourteen. It's after the war when the GIs swamp the school system that Sammy really starts learning about life. Intrigued with survival, the teenager and his best friend drive into the Canadian wilderness to live off the land and by their wits. It becomes the adventure of his lifetime and a tale that is both uniquely his and universally every American boy's.
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